How do I develop an advertisement?

Advertisements should be developed to reach the target audience and designed around the business’s desired image. Advertising can be effective only if the message reaches the business’s specific target audience.
Advertisements and all other promotional materials should portray a consistent image for the business enterprise. The portrayal of a consistent image through all of your marketing efforts will help to build customer recognition of your business or product and decrease the potential for customer confusion.
The development and use of an appealing business name and an attractive logo will help to build awareness and recognition of the enterprise and to create consistency in marketing efforts. A graphic artist could assist in the development of a logo. The business name and logo may be trademarked so that it cannot be used by other businesses.
Preparations for advertising should begin at least two months prior to the time when the advertisements will be run. Preparations include contacting media for costs and scheduling information. If development of the advertisements will be outsourced, more time will be needed. A professional advertising agency may be able to assist in the development of effective advertisements and in determining advertisement placement. If possible, advertisements should be developed by the same source to maintain consistency. When developing advertisements, consider the six-point advertising strategy below. This strategy will assist in creating a focused and comprehensive advertisement that will effectively communicate needed information to potential customers.
Be sure to check the advertisements carefully for grammar and spelling errors.

Six-Point Advertising Strategy
1. Primary purpose: What is the primary purpose of our advertisement?
2. Primary benefit: What unique benefit can we offer customers? What primary customer value or need can my enterprise meet?
3. Secondary benefit: What other key benefits will customers receive from our products or services?
4. Target audience: At whom (what target market) are we aiming this advertisement?
5. Audience reaction: What response do we want from our audience (come to the operation, visit a Web site, call an information line)?
6. Company personality: What image do we want to convey in our advertisement?
Information on advertising can be found in a University of Tennessee Extension Center for Profitable Agriculture fact sheet “Advertising 101”. Additional resources are available at The Center for Profitable Agriculture.